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The Theatre of David Greig by Clare Wallace – read online | 9781408157398

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    Adra Sayler

    The Theatre of David Greig
    by Clare Wallace

    The Theatre of David Greig – Read More

    • Language: english
    • Release date: October 24, 2013
    • Author: Clare Wallace
    • Format: paperback, 272 pages
    • Publisher: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama
    • ISBN: 9781408157398 (140815739X)

    About The Book

    David Greig has been described as ‘one of the most interesting and adventurous British dramatists of his generation’ (Daily Telegraph) and ‘one of the most intellectually stimulating dramatists around’ (Guardian). Since he began writing for theatre in the early nineties, his work has been both copious and remarkably varied, defying neat generalisations or attempts to pigeon-hole his work. Besides his original plays, he has adapated classics, is co-founder of the Suspect Culture Theatre Group and is currently Dramaturge for the National Theatre of Scotland.

    This Critical Companion provides an analytical survey of his work, from his early plays such as Europe and The Architect through to more recent works Damascus, Dunsinane and Ramallah; it also considers the plays produced with Suspect Culture and his work for young audiences. As such it is the first book to provide a critical account of the full variety of his work and will appeal to students and fans of contemporary British theatre.

    Clare Wallace provides a detailed analysis of a broad selection of plays and their productions, reviews current discourses about his work and offers a framework for enquiry. The Companion features an interview with David Greig and a further three essays by leading academics offering a variety of critical perspectives.

    EPUB ebook The Theatre of David Greig download on Kindle. FictionBook The Theatre of David Greig by Clare Wallace buy on Barnes & Noble. TXT book The Theatre of David Greig read online Android on Powells. MOBI book The Theatre of David Greig Clare Wallace. PDF ebook The Theatre of David Greig on Kobo.

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