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Shambhala Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine — audiobook download

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    Kimberly Conaway

    Shambhala Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine
    by Daniel Reid

    Shambhala Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine ~ CLICK HERE

    • Format: paperback, 161 pages
    • Language: english
    • Author: Daniel Reid
    • Release date: April 28, 1996
    • ISBN: 9781570621413 (1570621411)
    • Publisher: Shambhala

    About The Book

    The Chinese approach to health and healing is a rich and complex tradition, encompassing disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the full spectrum of illnesses, as well as offering a holistic approach to mental health. More than a system of medicine in the Western sense of the term, the Chinese approach to health care reflects the Taoist belief in the importance of promoting balance and harmony in body, mind, and spirit. In traditional Chinese medicine, this goal is achieved through nutrition, herbs, acupuncture, massage, exercise, meditation, and other holistic methods that restore the natural patterns of the human system. This book is an accessible and highly readable introduction to all the major aspects of this vast tradition. Topics covered include:

       •  The foundation of traditional medicine in Chinese history

       •  The theory of chi (energy) and how it influences health

       •  The Chinese approach to health, happiness, and longevity

       •  The use of Chinese herbal medicine and herbal formulas

       •  Diet and nutrition as a form of preventive medicine

       •  Acupuncture, acupressure, and massage — including sample techniques for self-massage

       •  The practice of chee-gung, or « moving meditation, » as a means of promoting good health

       •  Meditation and internal alchemy

       •  Suggestions for further reading and other resources

    MOBI book Shambhala Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine by Daniel Reid read online Mac on Kobo. EPUB ebook Shambhala Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine download. FB2 Shambhala Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine Daniel Reid buy cheap.

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