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(PDF) The Great Dragon's Fleas by Tim Ward • 9780890876978

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    Jennifer Dublin

    The Great Dragon’s Fleas
    by Tim Ward

    The Great Dragon’s Fleas – Read More

    • Author: Tim Ward
    • ISBN: 9780890876978 (0890876975)
    • Publisher: Celestial Arts
    • Format: paperback, 252 pages
    • Language: english
    • Release date: November 1, 1995

    About The Book

    At once deeply thought-provoking and wonderfully irreverent, The Great Dragon’s Fleas is the story of the author’s encounters with fascinating and almost completely uncharted cultural realities in the more remote parts of Asia. Drawn to the study of Buddhist meditation, the author searched out monks and mystics who had dedicated their lives to spiritual excellence. The result is a rich weave of insights into faith, compassion, miracles, human suffering, reincarnation, and politics. The Great Dragon’s Fleas is a spiritual odyssey that took the author through the backwaters of offbeat Asian subcultures in Tibet, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, and China. The journey begins with a private meeting with the Dalai Lama in India. It then moves to Kashmir and an Islamic cult that venerates Jesus and believes he survived crucifixion, came to India, and is said to be buried in the area. The author sets out to track down the tomb. Ward then travels to Ladakh to study meditation with a Buddhist lama called The Great Dragon.

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