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(PDF) Julie Mehretu

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    Jewel Charles

    Julie Mehretu
    by Julie Mehretu

    🔥 Julie Mehretu • Read More 🔥

    • Publisher: Walker Art Center
    • Release date: October 2, 2003
    • Author: Julie Mehretu
    • Format: paperback
    • ISBN: 9780935640748 (0935640746)
    • Language: english

    About The Book

    Incorporating the dynamic visual vocabulary of maps, urban planning grids, and architectural forms, alternating between historical narratives and fictional landscapes, Julie Mehretu’s beautifully layered paintings and drawings combine abstract forms with the familiar, pairing the Roman Coliseum with floor plans from international airports, Le Corbusier’s unbuilt megacity with blueprints from Zaha Hadid and Tadao Ando, and dashing it all together with a color field full of abstract geometry. What does a city in motion look like? The closest picture of it exists in Mehretu’s semiabstractions, their maelstroms of color and line, power, history, globalism and personal narrative frozen, swirled and encased in coats of accumulated resin.

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