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Occupation-Based Activity Analysis — audiobook download

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    Anthony Smith

    Occupation-Based Activity Analysis
    by Heather Thomas

    📕 Occupation-Based Activity Analysis – Click Here 📕

    • Release date: July 15, 2011
    • Language: english
    • Format: paperback, 216 pages
    • ISBN: 9781556429460 (1556429460)
    • Author: Heather Thomas
    • Publisher: Slack Incorporated

    About The Book

    Activity Analysis is an essential skill to occupational therapy. Students and practitioners need not only an understanding of what activity analysis is and how to break down the steps of a task, but also understand how each aspect of an activity influences participation in occupations. Occupation-Based Activity Analysis is a definitive text that effectively progresses the reader toward understanding the differences between occupations and activities, and the interaction of all of the components of activities and occupations, such as performance skills, client factors, activity demands, and contexts.

    Occupation-Based Activity Analysis by Heather Thomas instructs students to analyze activities using the domain components as outlined in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process, 2nd Edition. This timely text guides the reader through understanding the process of activity analysis from the perspective of examining typical activity demands. Learning of key concepts is reinforced through case examples, worksheets, exercises, and sample analyses.

    Beginning with defining the domain of practice through the areas of occupation, students will learn to identify occupations and activities, while learning to understand the importance of analysis to their domain of practice. Students and practitioners will also discover how to analyze the demands inherent to the activity itself, and the context which surround the activity and the people engaged in it. The component steps to analyzing activities or occupations are uncovered in separate chapters, each aspect reinforces concepts that are foundational to occupational therapy practice.

    A Glance at What Is Covered:

    • Activity versus occupation versus tasks

    • Areas of occupation defined

    • Details of how social and space demands, as well as objects influence performance

    • Client factors and body functions and structures defined as they relate to performance in occupations

    • The influence of the client’s contexts

    • Performance patterns and how their influence on occupations

    • How to grade and adapt an activity

    Occupation-Based Activity Analysis is an excellent text for students and for practitioners looking to further their understanding of activity analysis.



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