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(MOBI) School and Society Through Science Fiction by Joseph D. Olander

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    Jules Kelly

    School and Society Through Science Fiction
    by Joseph D. Olander, Martin H. Greenberg, Patricia Warrick

    School and Society Through Science Fiction — READ MORE

    • Release date: November 20, 1981
    • Format: paperback, 396 pages
    • Language: english
    • ISBN: 9780819119971 (0819119970)
    • Author: Joseph D. Olander, Martin H. Greenberg, Patricia Warrick
    • Publisher: University Press of America

    About The Book

    Originally published by Rand McNally in 1974, this volume investigates the applicability of science fiction to the study of social foundations of education and its problems. The editors argue that science fiction is an ideal tool for analyzing the problems because it does not possess limitations on the nature of problematic inquiry; its boundary of inquiry is subject only to that of the human imagination. Science fiction offers the student of school and society a methodological tool by which man and his relationships) actual and possible) may be studied. The possibility of ideas simply reinforces their probability, and the link between the present and the future becomes the human imagination.

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