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Introduction to Jewish Ethics by Louis E. Newman – buy book : 9780132388900

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    Andie Seaman

    Introduction to Jewish Ethics
    by Louis E. Newman

    🔰 Introduction to Jewish Ethics – Click Here 🔰

    • Release date: March 9, 2003
    • Publisher: Routledge
    • Format: paperback, 226 pages
    • ISBN: 9780132388900 (0132388901)
    • Genres: judaism
    • Language: english
    • Author: Louis E. Newman

    About The Book

    For courses in Religion, Judaism and Ethics. This text offers an overview of the Jewish ethical tradition as it has evolved from biblical times to the present. Provides an overview of the central beliefs of classical Judaism and the ways in which these frame traditional Jewish approaches to issues in ethics, both theoretical and practical.

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