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    Kimberly Fulks

    (Outstanding Christian Thinkers)
    by John B. Webster

    🔍 Barth · READ MORE 🔍

    • Publisher: Continuum
    • Series: Outstanding Christian Thinkers
    • Release date: October 7, 2000
    • Author: John B. Webster
    • Genres: theology, biography
    • Format: paperback, 181 pages
    • Language: english
    • ISBN: 9780826450791 (0826450792)

    About The Book

    This series offers a range of authoritative studies on people who have made an outstanding contribution to Christian thought and understanding. The series will range across the full spectrum of Christian thought to include Catholic and Protestant thinkers and to cover East and West, historical and contemporary figures. By and large, each volume will focus on a single « thinker », but occasionally the subject may be a movement or a school of thought.Karl Barth (1886-1968) has been called the most important Protestant theologian since Schleiermacher. His lifetime of work produced a huge and complex body of writings. The posthumous publication of much of his work has invited fresh and attentive interpretations of his thought.

    This book draws together these readings to provide a clear and authoritative introduction to the main themes of Barth’s theology. The closing chapter with its focus on Barth’s relationship to modernity, postmodernity, and the tasks of theology will be especially useful to students.

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