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(ePUB) Collaborative Web Development by Jessica Burdman

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    Jewel Dublin

    Collaborative Web Development
    Strategies and Best Practices for Web Teams

    by Jessica Burdman

    Collaborative Web Development – Click Here

    • Release date: October 1, 1999
    • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
    • Author: Jessica Burdman
    • Language: english
    • Format: paperback, 272 pages
    • ISBN: 9780201433319 (0201433311)

    About The Book

    In Collaborative Web Development, author Jessica Burdman shares the successful secrets of managing a web project, including collaboration, communication, and budgeting. The book provides many case studies of both successful and unsuccessful Web sites, and will help web-project managers pick and manage their web teams so they can sell their projects and needs to executive managers. The ultimate goal of this book is to make a « level playing ground, » offering a similar vocabulary for developers, marketing people, and IT managers, so everyone is « bought in » to the Web project.

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    #35766 Répondre


    Time Management For Manic Mums by Allison Mitchell | 9781401915636

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