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(Audiobook) The Liberty Lobby and the American Right

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    Charlotte Mcgovern

    The Liberty Lobby and the American Right
    Race, Conspiracy, and Culture

    by Frank P. Mintz

    🔰 The Liberty Lobby and the American Right · Click Here 🔰

    • Author: Frank P. Mintz
    • Release date: March 27, 1985
    • ISBN: 9780313243936 (031324393X)
    • Format: hardcover, 251 pages
    • Publisher: Praeger
    • Language: english
    • Characters: Willis Carto

    About The Book

    Few organizations feature such a classic synthesis of contemporary far rightist ideas and attitudes as the Liberty Lobby. Though neglected by scholarly research in the past, the Liberty Lobby is a strong and enduring organization that propagates theories of white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and the viability of nationalism. By examining the well-developed ideology and articulate adherents of the Liberty Lobby, Mintz traces the development of the contemporary right, going beyond a general sociological description of the rightist movement or a sensationalist expose. In the context of how the Liberty Lobby differs from the more conservative network and from other far right organizations, intraright rivalry and accommodation are highlighted. Finally, Mintz explores the ideas and personalities of the people who have shaped the Lobby intellectually.

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