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Reflexology and Acupressure by Janet Wright – MOBI download

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    Mable Ricks

    Reflexology and Acupressure
    Pressure Points for Healing

    by Janet Wright

    📕 Reflexology and Acupressure | Click Here 📕

    • ISBN: 9781570671494 (1570671494)
    • Genres: health
    • Author: Janet Wright
    • Publisher: Book Publishing Company (TN)
    • Language: english
    • Format: paperback, 128 pages
    • Release date: January 9, 2003

    About The Book

    Here is a practical guide to these two very ancient and effective, drug-free therapies. The section on reflexology presents both foot and hand charts showing the reflex points and explains the massage techniques to increase energy flow to corresponding areas of the body. The section on acupressure diagrams a simplified Chinese body chart locating the main meridians and pressure points with treatment techniques for many common ailments. Detailed color photographs guide the reader through every step.

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