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(ePUB) What Ever Happened to the Faculty? by Mary Burgan ~ 9780801884610

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    Christine Leidy

    What Ever Happened to the Faculty?
    Drift and Decision in Higher Education

    by Mary Burgan

    📕 What Ever Happened to the Faculty? — CLICK HERE 📕

    • Author: Mary Burgan
    • Format: hardcover
    • Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press
    • Release date: October 1, 2006
    • Language: english
    • ISBN: 9780801884610 (0801884616)

    About The Book

    In this provocative work, Mary Burgan surveys the deterioration of faculty influence in higher education. From campus planning, curriculum, and instructional technology to governance, pedagogy, and academic freedom, she urges far greater consideration for the perspective of the faculty. Burgan evokes the pervasive atmosphere of charge and counter-charge on U.S. campuses, where competition trumps reason not only in athletics but also in research, faculty recruitment, and fund-raising. Relating this winner-take-all mentality to the overspecialization of faculty and to overreliance on non-tenure — track instructors, Burgan suggests that improving life on campus depends on the faculty’s successful engagement with their administrative colleagues as well as their students. Informed by experience, fueled by conviction, and full of practical, strategic advice for the future, What Ever Happened to the Faculty? is an excellent resource for administrators and faculty who are eager to change the tone and trajectory of contemporary higher education.

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